Julia's Kitchen

Nourish your body, feed your soul.

Julia’s Kitchen – reaching out! December 19, 2013

Filed under: Updates — adaba @ 4:42 am
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IMG_2105Hello Boulder community!

I hope this email finds you all in a peaceful and happy space.

We are coming up on our 2-year anniversary at Julia’s Kitchen! I’m so proud of what we’ve accomplished ~ we have nourished many bodies and fed many souls. We have learned a ton about all kinds of things. We have met new people and nurtured new (and old) friendships. We have stayed true to ourselves and our beliefs. We have operated with integrity. It has been quite amazing. We want to keep going and growing.

We are truly doing things differently than other restaurants and other businesses. This is deeply rewarding, but it’s a challenge to go off the beaten path, especially when going it alone. So, I am reaching out to this community because I need some support and I want to create a community that wants to be involved. I know it’s taboo for a business to voice this sort of thing because we are supposed to look shiny and perfect, but one of the things that defines Julia’s Kitchen is transparency and I think that’s more important. You know what’s in the food, you know how it’s made, you can watch us make it, and I think you know you can trust us.

So what can you do?

*You can come into the cafe. Saving money right now? That’s ok. Camp out with your laptop. We will be honored with your presence. The more energy there is in the space, the more energy is drawn into the space.

*You can like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram and Twitter. Comment, like, and share our posts. This can really help get the word out. Face-to-face conversation is of course awesome too. Please spread the word in any way you can.

*Bring a new customer in. We will give each of you a $10 credit for a future visit to the cafe; to say thank you to you and to welcome your friend.

*I have started to look into grants, small business loans, opportunities for investment, and different options for structuring this business so it’s sustainable long into the future; also so it’s sustainable for me personally in the here and now. If you know about these things, or if you know of organizations or private individuals who would want to support a business that is creating a net positive for the world, please share.

*You can let me know if you are interested in helping out with space beautification (outside in particular), accounting (for trade or for a fee), posting fliers, and we can be in touch as our plans unfold.

*You can just let me know that you support this cause. I am not a needy person, but I do need a little lift right now.

Thanks for reading and for all of your support, patience, and kindness over the past two years.

Wishing you deep contentment and much light on these beautiful dark nights, Julia


6 Responses to “Julia’s Kitchen – reaching out!”

  1. cat Says:

    I love that you are reaching out. Thank you for your honesty and transparency…another way in which you are leading the way in off the beaten path business, creating a culture that is transparent and genuine. I hope that you are successful in finding what you need, personally and professionally. I will stop in the next time I am in Boulder and will spread the word to friends still in the area.

  2. Michele Says:

    I’d like to support what you’re doing for many reasons – I’m not yet sure how that can look…but I will be moving really close by in Feb., so perhaps we can discuss. I have an MBA in marketing and I’m certified as a holistic health coach – I’m sure we can brainstorm 🙂 Stay strong!!

  3. Peter Hurst Says:

    Hi Julia – I’d like to come by and chat with you about what’s going on with your ‘business’ to see if there is any way I help out. Let me know if you have time for that. I can make time for you. — Peter Hurst, Trip Tracker

  4. Babe-o Says:

    I will come in for dinner one night next week!

  5. Brooke Laura Says:

    Hi Julia, I so appreciate the honesty of your message. I just recently moved to Boulder but had the pleasure of visiting your kitchen a few months ago while visiting. I’d love to speak with you, and discuss some possibilities of collaborating in the near future. I hope you receive the support from your community that you’re looking for right now. “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”-African Proverb.

  6. Laurie Says:

    Please keep on keepin’ on because your food and mission are amazing. What you are doing is so important and necessary. I will see you soon for another amazing meal!

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