Julia's Kitchen

Nourish your body, feed your soul.

Today! November 15, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — adaba @ 3:12 pm


Good morning! We will NOT be at the MARKET this morning, but we’ve still got all kinds of good stuff in the works, so we will have plenty of treats at the cafe! Please come for breakfast; yes we have breakfast! Not, not eggs, but there are so many alternatives…we have sprouted buckwheat pancakes everyday (the flavors today are gingerbread or pumpkin pie with local apple and pear topping and coconut and berry sauces), we have crisp veggie pancakes and cashew cream cheese (reminiscent to me of a bagel and cream cheese, only feels much more satisfying!), grain free quiche made from mung Dahl, hot porridge, herbal chai, and so much more. Heck, why not have kitchari or a veggie burger for breakfast, or a warming bowl of curry? Who says breakfast has to be different than any other balanced meal? Start your days off strong!